Rats are extremely busy little creatures and will not often sit still for long. As such they need a chance to get
out of their cages and stretch their legs(and their minds) at least once a day. They delight in investigating their
surroundings and as such where-ever they ar must be rat proof.
How to rat proof:
1. Ensure that any electrical cords are out of chewing range, the same goes for poisonous substances such as detergents.
2. If there is anything that you will be upset if it is chewed, remove that also.
3. Keep animals such as dogs and cats that are not used to your ratties away. Many animals may only play with your
rats but might not realise their own strength.
4. HAVE FUN... Hide treats for your rat to find, tickle him or her with a feather or tie bits of paper to a string for
them to chase.